+++ title = "Spacemacs Rocks Day 7, Spacemacs buffer, file, project and layout management" date = 2018-11-17T11:00:00+08:00 lastmod = 2018-11-19T01:44:14+08:00 tags = ["emacs", "spacemacs"] categories = ["spacemacs"] draft = false weight = 3009 +++


SPC f f  --> helm-find-file
SPC f r  --> open recent file
SPC f R  --> rename file
SPC f c  --> copy file
SPC f j  --> jump to dired
SPC f t  --> open neo tree
SPC f o  --> open in external application

在 SPC f f的时候,可以通过 TAB 和 C-h 补充和回退文件夹名。

SPC b b & SPC b B(i)
SPC b h (spacemacs home buffer)
SPC b s (scratch buffer)
SPC b f (reveal in finder)
SPC b w in dired buffer.
SPC b n/p (previous or next buffer)
SPC b TAB to switch back and forth.

SPC b w in dired buffer.从而实现对文件名的修改, 多行编辑等操作。

SPC p f  and SPC p b

SPC l ---> layout replated operations

SPC l o  --> custom layout
SPC l L/s --> load or save layout
SPC l l --> switch bewteen layout
SPC l TAB --> quick way to switch
SPC l ?  --> open up the help.
SPC p l --> switch to project and create a layout
new file/delete file/rename file
new folder/delete folder/rename folder

`+`号,新建文件夹。 在文件夹上,f 新建文件。


在 dired 模式下,m 标记,D 删除。


SPC a r
h l to navigate folder
j k to preview file

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