观察 swift storage node 间通过 rsync 进行数据通信。


要把最新的 *.ring.gz 文件分发至所有的 storage node ,然后 节点运行 swift-init all restart


修改 /etc/rsyncd.conf

然后,把各节点 rsync 重启

service rsync restart
service rsync status




现在发现 134的 /etc/swift/*.ring.gz 文件不是rebalance后的*.ring.gz文件,所以,这个时候,我怀疑是不是这个地方的问题。

从51中复制*.ring.gz文件给 134,重启rsync,没有同步。重启swift-init。

swift-init all status
swift-init all restart
swift-init all status


好了。这个时候发现 原来 180,198,135能同步,而134,127与其它3个连接不上,是因为, 180,198,135使用的是同一个老版本的 *.ring.gz 文件。晕死了!

这个时候,从51中复制*.ring.gz文件给 180。不重启任何服务。这时,

127 rsync日志

2019/01/22 17:26:37 [25850] connect from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 09:26:37 [25850] rsync to object/sdb/objects/834 from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 09:26:37 [25850] receiving file list
2019/01/22 09:26:44 [25850] sent 62 bytes  received 74104148 bytes  total size 74085496

134 rsync日志

2019/01/22 17:26:43 [6716] connect from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 17:26:43 [6717] connect from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 09:26:43 [6716] rsync to account/sdb/tmp/a3ed88a4-5dcb-4f09-9122-96c590ec12cf from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 09:26:43 [6716] receiving file list
2019/01/22 09:26:43 [6717] rsync to account/sdb/tmp/2043b019-6d91-4c89-b1c0-ab4a9b05f460 from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 09:26:43 [6717] receiving file list
2019/01/22 17:26:45 [6720] connect from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 09:26:45 [6720] rsync to object/sdb/objects/538 from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 09:26:45 [6720] receiving file list
2019/01/22 17:27:00 [6723] connect from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 17:27:00 [6724] connect from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 09:27:00 [6723] rsync to container/sdb/tmp/42bc9ff4-1ad1-4802-bfbc-40796ca93fde from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 09:27:00 [6723] receiving file list
2019/01/22 09:27:00 [6724] rsync to container/sdb/tmp/0f6aa3dc-2abd-4259-a0f3-89ad321882c1 from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 09:27:00 [6724] receiving file list

但是,都停止在这里了,没有下文了。然后,我再回 180看 rsync日志 都是与 135,198 的同步信息。

我考虑把 180 rsync 重启。

无效,依然连接的是 135,198.


swift-init restart


2019/01/22 17:34:46 [6768] connect from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 09:34:46 [6768] rsync to object/sdb/objects/415 from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 09:34:46 [6768] receiving file list
2019/01/22 17:34:47 [6770] connect from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 17:34:47 [6770] max connections (2) reached
2019/01/22 17:34:47 [6771] connect from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 17:34:47 [6771] max connections (2) reached
2019/01/22 17:34:49 [6772] connect from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 17:34:50 [6772] max connections (2) reached
2019/01/22 17:34:50 [6773] connect from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 17:34:50 [6773] max connections (2) reached
2019/01/22 17:35:17 [6779] connect from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 17:35:17 [6779] max connections (2) reached


2019/01/22 09:34:45 [25913] rsync to object/sdb/objects/415 from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 09:34:45 [25913] receiving file list
2019/01/22 09:34:46 [25913] sent 31 bytes  received 198 bytes  total size 487805144
2019/01/22 17:34:47 [25935] connect from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 09:34:47 [25935] rsync to container/sdb/tmp/0f6aa3dc-2abd-4259-a0f3-89ad321882c1 from swift0180 (
2019/01/22 09:34:47 [25935] receiving file list
2019/01/22 09:34:48 [25935] sent 44 bytes  received 21625 bytes  total size 21504

无效,依然连接的是 135,198.

这个说明,这个同步机制,会由proxy协调,并,不受 本地的rsync 影响。


这个时候,看来,只能是把 *.ring.gz 文件分发给所有节点,再试一下了。

同时,观察180的 /var/log/rsync.log

2019/01/22 09:10:24 [22897] receiving file list
2019/01/22 09:10:24 [22897] rsync: mkdir "/sdc/objects/832" (in object) failed: No such file or directory (2)
2019/01/22 09:10:24 [22897] rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at main.c(674) [Receiver=3.1.1]

这里出现了 rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at main.c(674) [Receiver=3.1.1],这个是指同步出错了么?

解决完这个问题后,发现,最后,依然是要把最新的 *.ring.gz 文件分发至所有的 storage node ,然后 节点运行 swift-init all restart

results matching ""

    No results matching ""