Getting Started

updated: 2019-02-14 02:34

Getting Started

System Requirements

Swift development currently targets Ubuntu Server 16.04, but should work on most Linux platforms.

Swift开发目前针对Ubuntu Server 16.04,但应该适用于大多数Linux平台。

Swift is written in Python and has these dependencies:


There is no current support for Python 3.

目前没有Python 3的支持。


To get started with development with Swift, or to just play around, the following docs will be useful:


  • Swift All in One - 设置安装了Swift的VM
  • 开发指南
  • 对Swift的第一次贡献
  • 相关项目

CLI client and SDK library

There are many clients in the ecosystem. The official CLI and SDK is python-swiftclient.



If you want to set up and configure Swift for a production cluster, the following doc should be useful:


updated: 2019-02-14 02:34

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